Updated: 2022-11-19 Sat 19:42

Export tikz as image file

1. Export tikz as image file

I have created a tikz picture as a standalone. Can I export the tex file as an image instead of as a pdf?


  • (JohannesB) No, but you can easily convert the pdf to jpg or png.
  • (Arun Debray) A couple possible solutions are discussed in tex.stackexchange.com/a/11880/55879.
  • (user11232) standalone provides convert option. For this you will need imagemagick installed.
  • (user11232) Or you can directly convert it using imagemagick → convert -density 300 yourfile.pdf yourfile.png (or .jpg whatever)
  • (vaettchen) QTikZ is a nice editor cum preview pane and offers export to PNG

1.1. Answer 1

I achieved the best results with pdftoppm, the anti-aliasing is much better than imagemagicks convert. Just do:

$ pdftoppm -png -r <dpi> document.pdf > document.png

I usually use 300 or 600 dpi. pdftoppm comes with poppler (package poppler-utils on Ubuntu).


1.2. Answer 2

If you are using Texmaker, right-click on the pdf, then choose convert page to png image choice. Note: if you intend to include this image in your tex file, then you can include the pdf directly. As a matter of fact, the quality of the pdf is better than converting the pdf to an image.
