Updated: 2022-11-19 Sat 19:42

Github Action: Split Long Command into Multiple Lines

1. Github Action: Split Long Command into Multiple Lines

I have a Github action command that is really long:

name: build

on: [push]

        runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
            - uses: actions/checkout@v1
            - name: Install Prerequisites
              run: |
                sudo apt-get update
                sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends "a very very long list of prerequisites"

May I know whether it is possible to split the long command into multiple lines for better readability? I have tried the separator ’\’ but it does not work. Thanks in advance.


1.1. Answer 1

I have a multi line command using backslash to separate the lines as follows:

- name: Configure functions
  run: |
    firebase functions:config:set \
      some.key1="${{ secrets.SOME_KEY_1 }}" \
      some.key2="${{ secrets.SOME_KEY_2 }}" \

Note the preceding ’|’ character.


  • (tom) This is the correct answer and would be a better accepted answer. The backslashes work the same as a multiline command in bash. (I’d recommend a hanging indent for readability though.)
  • (dan1st) Does anyone know since when this is possible? (I think it was not possible when I wrote my answer but I fully agree with that answer being accepted, now)
  • (Bojian Zheng) @dan1st I also do not think this is possible by the time I asked this, but it seems that Github people have added the support for backslash.
  • (mcserep) I don’t know how did it work previously for anyone, but adding a backslash does not work right now with GitHub Actions. This shouldn’t be the accepted answer.
  • (IvanD) I confirm: this does not work on GitHub Actions as of now. You need to use “>” instead of “I” (see other answers)

1.2. Answer 2

You can use the YAML folded style with > which is supported by GitHub Actions. For example,

run: >
  ./mvnw -f my/pom.xml
  clean verify

newlines will be replaced with spaces so the above is equivalent to

run: xvfb-run ./mvnw -f my/pom.xml clean verify -DskipTests


  • (sschuberth) Also see yaml-multiline.info to play around with the different scalar / chomping styles.
  • (Johnny Oshika) This works, thank you! Important note: per yml spec, white space is important here, so any extra tabs before the lines will cause problems.
  • (OZZIE) It seems to work but it doesn’t fail on any errors, same with | also.. so it becomes kind of pointless..
  • (ruohola) @JohnnyOshika Thank you for that comment! It cleared a long standing misunderstanding for me.
  • (Waldir Leoncio) Just a quick note about this being for the default shell. For example, my YML file had some bits running R code with shell: Rscript {0}, and line breaking in those cases don’t need any special characters (just like in R).

1.3. Answer 3

Going to share this in since it has not been mentioned. You can use: I found the site yaml-multiline.info useful for understanding how yaml strings are interpreted. For my use case, I ended up doing the following:

run: >-
  for i in $(find . -type f -name "*.log");
   echo "File: ${i} \n";
   cat $i;
   printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' -;


  • (silkfire) What does the hyphen in >- do?
  • (Arclite) @silkfire According to the linked website, it appears to strip newlines from the end of the block, so that there’s not an extra trailing \n at the end.
  • (Arclite) That said, this is not supported by GitHub Actions: github.com/actions/runner/issues/418

1.4. Answer 4

This was not possible using backslashes, earlier. See the accepted answer on how to do it now. As far as I know, GitHub Actions does not support that. However, you can use environment variables for that. For example, this script splits your command in 3 lines of code and executes it as one line.

  - name: Install Prerequisites
    run: |
      sudo apt-get update
      bash -c "$line1 $line2 $line3"
    - line1='sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends '
    - line2='a very very long list'
    - line3='of prerequisites'

It creates the environment variables line1, line2 and line3 and concats and executes them in a bash session.


1.5. Answer 5

Note also the join and format functions for expressions:

HELLO_WORLD = ${{ join('Hello', 'world!') }}
HELLO_WORLD = ${{ format('{{Hello {0}}}', 'World') }}

Presumably these could be combined with env variables.
